Francis Pulver on an old fuel delivery tank...when progress was starting!
The US Post office mail delivery buggy...
Had a heater in it...30 below wouldget pretty cold without heat!
Russel Gietzen and Darrin Karges...
Buckaroo...he worked on big ranches in the Neveda, Idaho area...with his adorable 4 year old side kick Buckaroo...he was so cute!!
91 year old guy with a horse about the same age...still riding!!
Always gotta be a redneck in every event in the nation!!! Overalls and no cowboy boots...CRAZY!!
This woman was representing the May Pole was very unusual!!! The horse has stretchy things with bells on there jingling...LOL!!

Richardton Saddle club! (above)
When you get close to these horses they are huge with power that is unreal...I honestly don't think the average person realizes how much power they is to be shown in future blogs what they can do!!
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