The men planning the event order...
Marlboro Man talking to this guy from South Africa...he is a bee keeper he has bees in South Africa and Texas...Texas has such a drought he brought most of his bees to ND to survive...he is staying with Marshall Karges...he has a very distinct accent...a christian man...very nice young man!
Russell Gietzen...quick bite to eat before the CRAZINESS begins!

Team to a disc...
Look how tall those horses are Marlboro man is 6'2" plus the cowboy hat!!

Disc with Russell Gietzen checking it out...

Working the team and disc...

Disc working with the team...

Binder to back of team...

Russell Gietzen checking out the binder...

Russell Gietzen telling how to be sure the leather is hooked correctly to the team...

One last time checkin it out...

To the field to work...
All plugged up...

These animals are so is amazing how kick or step on your foot and you would be crippled...but trained properly and they are amazing animals!!!

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