Thursday, June 7, 2012

Weightloss Journey 1,582...a forever journey!!

I haven't bogged about this weight loss journey bc I have been struggling! A couple weeks ago after working out four days in the week, following plan, I had a gain at my weigh in...I was so upset I ran out of the meeting and tried to just go home a gal stopped me and saw I was so upset I felt like an idiot crying about it...she talked to me for a long time...I did not go back bc I ate horrid the whole week..and the next week...I am trying to get on plan again and move forward...I was planning to go this past Monday and had to sit with my good friends Mom while they went to look at the care now I am actually eating right...Monday I will face the doom regardless of how I feel!!  I know having a weight problem my whole entire life since the age of 8 is frustrating and overwhelming!!  Back to counting points and trudging on!!!

I did come to some conclusions...I did not drink enough water...I ate out a few times...hard to truly know the fat etc. in restaurant meals...eating less fruits an veggies was not a good NOW I just have to keep going!!

1 comment:

  1. You can do it Kimmie!!! It's a hard battle, but I know that you can win it!!! Keep up the good work and you will get rewarded in the end!!!

    Love ya,
