Monday, July 18, 2011

Nuggets...SAD DAY!!!

Today I was just getting ready to go give my chickens some bread scraps and potatoe peelings and my Marlboro Man called me...he asked if I had been over there yet and I said NO...he said well there has been a tradgedy...someting got in there and killed four of the six of them...I almost started was skinned...he said it was a racoon...I didn't cry while he was on the phone. These were nice big chickens now and roosting pretty high...he left their feet and feathers...I am so angry right tonight is going to be a good good night we will be setting the racoon trap to catch the culprit or culprits...we might have to set it a couple nights BC there could be more then one..that is the hard part of having animals...the preditors they face!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today is very sad for me I really loved those chickens and they were running up to me when I brought them the veggie leftovers and bread leftovers...silly me crying over dead chickens...I posted about them on July SAD!!!!


  1. Sorry to here this, but at least your worms could eat the veggie scraps.

  2. OMG I couldn't stop laughing when I read this. lol
